import random import time import sys start_time = time.time() DBCLASSES = ["--", "Berserker", "Knight", "Cavalier", "Peltast", "Omniknight", "Fencer", "Monk", "Dragoon", "Samurai", "Paladin", "Templar", "Blacksmith", "Spellsword", "Marksman", "Sniper", "Brave", "Venomancer", "Sorcerer", "Seer", "Rogue", "Assassin", "Adventurer", "Devout", "Stalker", "Tactician", "Freelancer"] #1-26 DBSKILLS = ["--", "Heavy Blow", "Valor", "Take The Initiative", "Aegis", "Combat Expertise", "Heartseeker", "Equilibrium", "Dragon's Blood", "Shirahadori", "Lay On Hands", "Hallowed Strike", "Renowned Artisan", "Mahouha", "Bullseye", "Eagle Eyes", "Resolute Strike", "Miasma", "Arcane Bolt", "Foresight", "Mug", "Mercy Stroke", "Treasure Hunter", "Righteous Fury", "Ambush", "Superior Strategy", "Aptitude"] #1-26 DBLIKES = [0x0, 0x800, 0x40, 0x400, 0x8000, 0x10, 0x100, 0x0, 0x400, 0x100, 0x10000, 0x100 | 0x2000, 0x800, 0x100, 0x200 | 0x1000, 0x1000, 0x100, 0x2000 | 0x4000, 0x2000, 0x4, 0x200, 0x200, 0x200 | 0x1000, 0x4000, 0x200, 0x400 | 0x2000, 0x0] DBDISLIKES = [0x0, 0x20, 0x80, 0x200, 0x20, 0x20, 0x800, 0x0, 0x100, 0x200, 0x20000, 0x4000, 0x100, 0x2 | 0x8 | 0x20 | 0x200 | 0x400 | 0x800 | 0x1000 | 0x2000 | 0x4000 | 0x8000, 0x800, 0x2 | 0x8 | 0x20 | 0x100 | 0x200 | 0x400 | 0x800 | 0x2000 | 0x4000 | 0x8000, 0x400, 0x10000, 0x10, 0x8, 0x400, 0x800, 0x2, 0x2000, 0x40, 0x800, 0x0] DBSKDESC = ["--", "(ACT) Deal x1.5 ATK Phys DMG", "(SUP) x1.1 ATK, -10% DMG taken", "(SUP) First attack deals x1.5 DMG, Ignores AVO", "(SUP) Greatly increased chance to block", "(SUP) x2.0 Weapon Power", "(ACT) Ignores DEF, x1.33 CRI", "(SUP) All stats equal to your highest", "(RCT) -50% Arcane DMG taken", "(RCT) Ignore Phys DMG and counterattack", "(ACT) Heal +MAG HP after attacking", "(ACT) Deal ATK+MAG+LVL Phys DMG", "(SUP) Can refine equipment past their limits", "(SUP) ATK increased by MAG", "(SUP) x1.2 CRI", "(SUP) Ignore AVO", "(ACT) Deal x1.2 ATK Phys DMG, Ignores AVO", "(SUP) Enemies lose 1/8 HP per turn", "(ACT) Deal x1.75 MAG Arcane DMG", "(SUP) x1.1 AVO, counterattack after dodging", "(ACT) x1.2 DMG, Gain some Gold", "(ACT) x2.0 DMG if DMG would be lethal", "(SUP) Find more items and Gold", "(SUP) x1.35 DMG vs. Undead", "(SUP) First attack is always a critical strike", "(SUP) Deal 15% more DMG every turn", "(SUP) Exceptional stat growth, no secondary class"] #1-26 DBCID = {"--":0, "BRS":1, "KNT":2, "CAV":3, "PLT":4, "OMN":5, "FEN":6, "MNK":7, "DRG":8, "SAM":9, "PAL":10, "TMP":11, "BLK":12, "SPS":13, "MRK":14, "SNP":15, "BRV":16, "VNM":17, "SRC":18, "SEE":19, "ROG":20, "ASN":21, "ADV":22, "DVT":23, "STK":24, "TAC":25, "FRE":26} DBGROWTHS = [[0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ], #-- [65,30,40,0 ,30], #BRS [40,25,50,10,40], #KNT [50,50,40,0 ,25], #CAV [40,10,80,0 ,35], #PLT [45,35,45,0 ,40], #OMN [35,70,20,0 ,40], #FEN [35,35,35,35,35], #MNK [40,65,30,0 ,35], #DRG [50,40,50,0 ,25], #SAM [45,10,50,30,30], #PAL [45,20,35,35,30], #TMP [50,20,30,10,55], #BLK [10,20,20,70,45], #SPS [50,45,10,10,50], #MRK [80,25,20,0 ,40], #SNP [55,30,35,0 ,45], #BRV [20,20,20,70,35], #VNM [10,30,10,80,35], #SRC [25,40,25,50,25], #SEE [40,50,15,30,30], #ROG [40,55,15,25,35], #ASN [40,50,15,30,30], #ADV [30,35,35,55,10], #DVT [35,55,20,20,35], #STK [40,25,25,40,35], #TAC [70,55,55,70,60]] #FRE DBGROWTHS2 = [[0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ], #-- [25,0 ,10,0 ,0 ], #BRS [10,0 ,15,0 ,10], #KNT [10,15,10,0 ,0 ], #CAV [10,0 ,25,0 ,0 ], #PLT [10,10,10,0 ,10], #OMN [5 ,35,0 ,0 ,0 ], #FEN [10,10,10,10,10], #MNK [10,20,5 ,0 ,0 ], #DRG [10,10,15,0 ,0 ], #SAM [10,0 ,20,10,0 ], #PAL [15,0 ,10,15,0 ], #TMP [15,0 ,0 ,0 ,25], #BLK [10,0 ,0 ,25,0 ], #SPS [5 ,5 ,0 ,0 ,25], #MRK [35,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ], #SNP [10,5 ,10,0 ,15], #BRV [0 ,0 ,0 ,25,10], #VNM [0 ,0 ,0 ,40,0 ], #SRC [10,10,10,10,10], #SEE [10,15,0 ,10,0 ], #ROG [5 ,25,0 ,5 ,0 ], #ASN [15,20,0 ,0 ,0 ], #ADV [10,0 ,15,15,0 ], #DVT [10,15,5 ,5 ,5 ], #STK [20,0 ,0 ,20,0 ], #TAC [0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ]] #FRE DBBOONS = [[0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,"--"], [30,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,"Powerful"], [0 ,30,0 ,0 ,0 ,"Nimble"], [0 ,0 ,30,0 ,0 ,"Stalwart"], [0 ,0 ,0 ,30,0 ,"Brilliant"], [0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,30,"Precise"], [15,15,0 ,0 ,0 ,"Athletic"], [15,0 ,15,0 ,0 ,"Tenacious"], [15,0 ,0 ,15,0 ,"Adaptable"], [15,0 ,0 ,0 ,15,"Dependable"], [0 ,15,15,0 ,0 ,"Tough"], [0 ,15,0 ,15,0 ,"Erudite"], [0 ,15,0 ,0 ,15,"Swift"], [0 ,0 ,15,15,0 ,"Scholarly"], [0 ,0 ,15,0 ,15,"Valiant"], [0 ,0 ,0 ,15,15,"Wise"], [10,10,10,10,10,"Experienced"]] DBFLAWS = [[0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,"--"], [20,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,"Weak"], [0 ,20,0 ,0 ,0 ,"Awkward"], [0 ,0 ,20,0 ,0 ,"Sickly"], [0 ,0 ,0 ,20,0 ,"Dense"], [0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,20,"Clumsy"], [10,10,0 ,0 ,0 ,"Feeble"], [10,0 ,10,0 ,0 ,"Frail"], [10,0 ,0 ,10,0 ,"Timid"], [10,0 ,0 ,0 ,10,"Oafish"], [0 ,10,10,0 ,0 ,"Helpless"], [0 ,10,0 ,10,0 ,"Dimwitted"], [0 ,10,0 ,0 ,10,"Uncoordinated"], [0 ,0 ,10,10,0 ,"Inept"], [0 ,0 ,10,0 ,10,"Inelegant"], [0 ,0 ,0 ,10,10,"Graceless"], [5 ,5 ,5 ,5 ,5 ,"Lazy"]] DBDISPOSITION = [[0 ,0 ,100,"--"], [200,5 ,50,"Born Lucky"], [60,10,120,"Hard Worker"], [25,-10,300,"Naturally Talented"], [125,0 ,110,"Blessed In Life"], [-20,15,150,"Hapless, But Hopeful"], [25,0 ,150,"Indifferent"], [-25,10,160,"Seen Better Days"], [-50,25,50,"Down On Their Luck"], [25,10,100,"Always Looking Forward"], [50,5 ,125,"Optimistic"]] ''' MOB FLAGS 1 - Undead 2 - Uses MAG instead of ATK 4 - Has skill 8 - Boss ''' DBMOB = [[0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,"--"], [35,10,35,0 ,0 ,0,"Slime"], # [55,10,15,0 ,15,1,"Skeletal Warrior"], # [0 ,10,5 ,35,20,3,"Skeletal Mage"], # [25,35,10,0 ,25,1,"Skeletal Archer"], # [75,5 ,25,0 ,0 ,1,"Returned"], # [25,0 ,60,0 ,0 ,0,"Ooze"], # [0 ,55,25,35,0 ,2,"Shrieker"], # [35,25,25,0 ,30,4,"Beholder"], # 1-8 [45,0 ,70,0 ,20,4,"Rune Golem"], ## [35,20,70,0 ,0 ,4,"Clay Golem"], ## [65,35,15,0 ,0 ,5,"Ghast"], ## [0 ,55,15,55,0 ,7,"Revenant"], ## [35,75,30,0 ,0 ,0,"Cryptskulker"], ## [50,20,50,0 ,30,0,"Depthdweller"], ## 9-14 [0 ,20,25,35,0 ,6,"Hexmage"], ### [55,75,5 ,0 ,0 ,5,"Apoplexy"], ### [45,35,60,0 ,20,5,"Aberration"], ### [0 ,50,35,45,35,7,"Banshee"], ### 15-18 [75,10,85,0 ,30,13,"Skeletal King"], # LV 10 [55,85,30,0 ,30,12,"Gigant Spider"], # LV 20 [0 ,35,65,25,99,14,"Astigmatism"], # LV 30 [85,15,85,0 ,0 ,13,"Shambling Dragon"], # LV 40 [0 ,55,55,75,55,15,"Lich Lord"]] # LV 50 DBDEATH = ["--", "was slowly digested by a Slime", "was bested in battle by a Skeletal Warrior", "was incinerated by a Skeletal Mage", "was turned into a pincushion by a Skeletal Archer", "was eaten alive by a Returned", "was suffocated by an Ooze", "was driven insane by a Shrieker", "was turned to stone by a Beholder", "was crushed by a Rune Golem", "was smushed by a Clay Golem", "had their soul stolen by a Ghast", "was spooked to death by a Revenant", "was ripped to shreds by a Cryptskulker", "lost a fight to a Depthdweller", "was eternally spellbound by a Hexmage", "suffered organ failure from an Apoplexy", "was torn apart by an Aberration", "lost their mind to a Banshee", "was ground to dust by the Skeletal King", "had their life sucked out of their body by the Gigant Spider", "had their death fortold by the Astigmatism", "was overwhelmed by the Shambling Dragon", "was obliterated by the Lich Lord"] ''' ITEMS - ID, Name, F1, F2, S1, S2 FLAG1 Attributes 0x1 - Equippable 0x2 - Consumable 0x4 - Weapon 0x8 - Armor 0x10 - Physical Weapon 0x20 - Magical Weapon 0x40 - Heavy Armor 0x80 - Light Armor 0x100 - Sword 0x200 - Dagger 0x400 - Spear 0x800 - Axe 0x1000 - Bow 0x2000 - Spellbook 0x4000 - Staff 0x8000 - Shield 0x10000 - Holy Item 0x20000 - Arcane Item FLAG2 Equip Location 0x1 - Head 0x2 - R Hand 0x4 - L Hand 0x8 - Body 0x10 - Acc STAT1 - Weapon Power, +INT, +HP, Block Phys, Heal Amount STAT2 - +MAG, Block Mag, Consumable takes entire turn (0/1) Other effects calculated later ''' DBITEM = [[0,"--",0x0,0x0,0,0], [1,"Estoc",0x115,0x2,9,0], [2,"Arming Sword",0x115,0x2,14,0], [3,"Hallowed Sabre",0x10115,0x2,10,0], [4,"Stiletto",0x215,0x2,8,0], [5,"Rondel",0x215,0x2,9,0], [6,"Lance",0x415,0x2,13,0], [7,"Naginata",0x415,0x2,11,0], [8,"Battleaxe",0x815,0x2,23,0], [9,"Sabbath",0x10815,0x2,16,0], [10,"Warhammer",0x815,0x2,19,0], [11,"Longbow",0x1015,0x2,16,0], [12,"Composite Bow",0x1015,0x2,13,0], [13,"Arcane Tome",0x22025,0x2,10,115], [14,"Sage's Diary",0x2025,0x2,12,125], [15,"Oak Staff",0x4025,0x2,35,100], [16,"Jewelled Cane",0x24025,0x2,25,105], [17,"Steel Helm",0x49,0x1,0,0], [18,"Hachimaki",0x9,0x1,0,0], [19,"Circlet",0x9,0x1,0,0], [20,"Goggles",0x9,0x1,0,0], [21,"Bandanna",0x9,0x1,0,0], [22,"Platemail",0x49,0x8,20,0], [23,"Brigandine",0x49,0x8,12,0], [24,"Magus Robe",0x20089,0x8,5,0], [25,"Leather Tunic",0x89,0x8,7,0], [26,"Tower Shield",0x8049,0x4,25,0], [27,"Rune Buckler",0x8049,0x4,15,15], [28,"Forcefield",0x8089,0x4,0,0], [29,"Rosary",0x10009,0x10,0,0], [30,"Cursed Locket",0x20009,0x10,0,0], [31,"Gauntlets",0x9,0x10,0,0], [32,"Steel Bracer",0x9,0x10,0,0], [33,"Feathered Cape",0x9,0x10,0,0], [34,"Salve",0x2,0x0,25,0], [35,"Bandages",0x2,0x0,100,1], [36,"Elixir",0x2,0x0,65,0]] def calcGrowth(stat, class1, class2, boon, flaw, disposition): return max(10,DBGROWTHS[class1][stat] + DBGROWTHS2[class2][stat] + DBBOONS[boon][stat] + DBDISPOSITION[disposition][1] - DBFLAWS[flaw][stat]) def calcGrowthMob(stat, id): return max(5,5 + DBMOB[id][stat]) def generatePlayer(name, seed): random.seed(seed) boon = random.randint(1,16) flaw = random.randint(1,16) while boon == flaw: flaw = random.randint(1,16) disposition = random.randint(1,10) class1 = random.randint(1,26) class2 = random.randint(1,26) if class1 == 26: class2 = 0 while class1 == class2 or class2 == 26: # Freelancer can't have a secondary class2 = random.randint(1,26) str_ = 10 agi = 10 vit = 10 int_ = 10 dex = 10 for i in range(0, 15): if random.randint(1,100) <= calcGrowth(0, class1, class2, boon, flaw, disposition): str_ += 1 if random.randint(1,100) <= calcGrowth(1, class1, class2, boon, flaw, disposition): agi += 1 if random.randint(1,100) <= calcGrowth(2, class1, class2, boon, flaw, disposition): vit += 1 if random.randint(1,100) <= calcGrowth(3, class1, class2, boon, flaw, disposition): int_ += 1 if random.randint(1,100) <= calcGrowth(4, class1, class2, boon, flaw, disposition): dex += 1 str_ = max(5, (str_ * DBDISPOSITION[disposition][2]) // 100) agi = max(5, (agi * DBDISPOSITION[disposition][2]) // 100) vit = max(5, (vit * DBDISPOSITION[disposition][2]) // 100) int_ = max(5, (int_ * DBDISPOSITION[disposition][2]) // 100) dex = max(5, (dex * DBDISPOSITION[disposition][2]) // 100) #Flag of 0x100 denotes Player Character return Unit(name,1,str_,agi,vit,int_,dex,DBDISPOSITION[disposition][0],boon,flaw,disposition,class1,class2,0x100,[],[[0,1,0],[2,1,0],[0,1,0],[25,1,0],[0,1,0]]) def generateMob(plvl): if plvl < 15: mob = random.randint(1,8) elif plvl < 30: mob = random.randint(1,14) else: mob = random.randint(1,18) if plvl == 10: mob = 19 if plvl == 20: mob = 20 if plvl == 30: mob = 21 if plvl == 40: mob = 22 if plvl == 50: mob = 23 str_ = 3 agi = 3 vit = 3 int_ = 3 dex = 3 for i in range(0, 15 + (plvl * 5)): if random.randint(1,100) <= calcGrowthMob(0,mob): str_ += 1 if random.randint(1,100) <= calcGrowthMob(1,mob): agi += 1 if random.randint(1,100) <= calcGrowthMob(2,mob): vit += 1 if random.randint(1,100) <= calcGrowthMob(3,mob): int_ += 1 if random.randint(1,100) <= calcGrowthMob(4,mob): dex += 1 return Unit(DBMOB[mob][6], plvl, str_, agi, vit, int_, dex, 0, 0, 0, 0, mob, 0, DBMOB[mob][5], [], [[0,1,0],[0,1,0],[0,1,0],[0,1,0],[0,1,0]]) def calcSTR(unit): tstr = unit.str_ if (unit.class1 == DBCID["MNK"] or unit.class2 == DBCID["MNK"]) and unit.flags & 0x100: tlist = [unit.str_, unit.agi, unit.vit, unit.int_, unit.dex] tstr = max(tlist) tstr = (tstr * 115 // 100) if unit.equipped[1][0] == 11 else tstr #Longbow x1.15 STR tstr = (tstr * 120 // 100) if unit.equipped[0][0] == 18 else tstr #Hachimaki x1.20 STR return max(0,tstr) def calcAGI(unit): tagi = unit.agi if (unit.class1 == DBCID["MNK"] or unit.class2 == DBCID["MNK"]) and unit.flags & 0x100: tlist = [unit.str_, unit.agi, unit.vit, unit.int_, unit.dex] tagi = max(tlist) tagi = (tagi * 125 // 100) if unit.equipped[1][0] == 4 else tagi #Stiletto x1.25 AGI tagi = (tagi * 125 // 100) if unit.equipped[1][0] == 5 else tagi #Rondel x1.25 AGI tagi = (tagi * 120 // 100) if unit.equipped[0][0] == 21 else tagi #Bandanna x1.20 AGI tagi = (tagi * 110 // 100) if unit.equipped[3][0] == 23 else tagi #Brigandine x1.10 AGI tagi = (tagi * 115 // 100) if unit.equipped[3][0] == 25 else tagi #Leather Tunic x1.15 AGI return max(0,tagi) def calcVIT(unit): tvit = unit.vit if (unit.class1 == DBCID["MNK"] or unit.class2 == DBCID["MNK"]) and unit.flags & 0x100: tlist = [unit.str_, unit.agi, unit.vit, unit.int_, unit.dex] tvit = max(tlist) tvit = (tvit * 120 // 100) if unit.equipped[0][0] == 17 else tvit #Steel Helm x1.20 VIT tvit = (tvit * 130 // 100) if unit.equipped[3][0] == 22 else tvit #Platemail x1.30 VIT tvit = (tvit * 115 // 100) if unit.equipped[3][0] == 23 else tvit #Brigandine x1.15 VIT return max(0,tvit) def calcINT(unit): tint = unit.int_ if (unit.class1 == DBCID["MNK"] or unit.class2 == DBCID["MNK"]) and unit.flags & 0x100: tlist = [unit.str_, unit.agi, unit.vit, unit.int_, unit.dex] tint = max(tlist) tint += (DBITEM[unit.equipped[1][0]][4] * (100 + 2*unit.equipped[1][1] + 10*unit.equipped[1][2]) // 100) if DBITEM[unit.equipped[1][0]][2] & 0x20 else 0 # Flat bonus from magic weapons tint = (tint * 120 // 100) if unit.equipped[0][0] == 19 else tint #Circlet x1.20 INT tint = (tint * 130 // 100) if unit.equipped[3][0] == 24 else tint #Magus Robe x1.30 INT return max(0,tint) def calcDEX(unit): tdex = unit.dex if (unit.class1 == DBCID["MNK"] or unit.class2 == DBCID["MNK"]) and unit.flags & 0x100: tlist = [unit.str_, unit.agi, unit.vit, unit.int_, unit.dex] tdex = max(tlist) tdex = (tdex * 125 // 100) if unit.equipped[1][0] == 4 else tdex #Stiletto x1.25 DEX tdex = (tdex * 115 // 100) if unit.equipped[1][0] == 11 else tdex #Longbow x1.15 DEX tdex = (tdex * 120 // 100) if unit.equipped[0][0] == 20 else tdex #Goggles x1.20 DEX tdex = (tdex * 115 // 100) if unit.equipped[3][0] == 25 else tdex #Leather Tunic x1.15 DEX return max(0,tdex) def calcHP(unit): if unit.flags & 0x100: thp = 20 else: thp = 5 thp += calcVIT(unit) * 250 // 100 thp += (DBITEM[unit.equipped[3][0]][4] * (100 + 10*unit.equipped[3][1] + 25*unit.equipped[3][2]) // 100) if DBITEM[unit.equipped[3][0]][2] & 0x8 else 0 # Flat bonus from armor return max(0,thp) def calcDEF(unit): tdef = 1 + calcVIT(unit) // 2 if not unit.flags & 0x100: if unit.class1 == 17 or unit.class1 == 23: tdef = (tdef * 133 // 100) if unit.chp < (calcHP(unit) / 3) else tdef #Monster skill, x1.33 DEF on low health return max(1,tdef) def calcATK(unit): tatk = calcSTR(unit) twp = (DBITEM[unit.equipped[1][0]][4] * (100 + 2*unit.equipped[1][1] + 10*unit.equipped[1][2]) // 100) if DBITEM[unit.equipped[1][0]][2] & 0x10 else 0 # Flat bonus from weapon twp = (twp * 200 // 100) if (unit.class1 == DBCID["OMN"] or unit.class2 == DBCID["OMN"]) and unit.flags & 0x100 else twp #Weapon Mastery x2.0 Weapon Power tatk += twp tatk += calcMAG(unit) if (unit.class1 == DBCID["SPS"] or unit.class2 == DBCID["SPS"]) and unit.flags & 0x100 else 0 #Mahouha +MAG tatk = (tatk * 110 // 100) if (unit.class1 == DBCID["KNT"] or unit.class2 == DBCID["KNT"]) and unit.flags & 0x100 else tatk #Valor x1.10 ATK tatk = (tatk * 115 // 100) if unit.class1 == 22 and not unit.flags & 0x100 else tatk #Monster Skill x1.15 ATK tatk = (tatk * 110 // 100) if unit.equipped[4][0] == 32 else tatk #Steel Bracer x1.10 ATK return max(1,tatk) def calcMAG(unit): tmag = calcINT(unit) tmag = (tmag * DBITEM[unit.equipped[1][0]][5] // 100) if DBITEM[unit.equipped[1][0]][2] & 0x20 else tmag # Percent bonus from magic weapons return max(1,tmag) def calcHIT(unit): thit = calcDEX(unit) + unit.level thit = (thit * 133 // 100) if unit.equipped[1][0] == 6 else thit #Lance x1.33 HIT thit = (thit * 133 // 100) if unit.equipped[1][0] == 7 else thit #Naginata x1.33 HIT thit = (thit * 80 // 100) if unit.equipped[1][0] == 8 else thit #Battleaxe x0.80 HIT thit = (thit * 80 // 100) if unit.equipped[1][0] == 9 else thit #Sabbath x0.80 HIT thit = (thit * 80 // 100) if unit.equipped[1][0] == 10 else thit #Warhammer x0.80 HIT thit = (thit * 135 // 100) if unit.equipped[4][0] == 31 else thit #Gauntlets x1.35 HIT return max(1,thit) def calcAVO(unit): tavo = calcAGI(unit) + unit.level tavo = (tavo * 110 // 100) if (unit.class1 == DBCID["SEE"] or unit.class2 == DBCID["SEE"]) and unit.flags & 0x100 else tavo #Future Sight x1.10 AVO tavo = (tavo * 80 // 100) if unit.equipped[1][0] == 11 else tavo #Longbow x0.8 AVO tavo = (tavo * 80 // 100) if unit.equipped[1][0] == 12 else tavo #Composite Bow x0.8 AVO tavo = (tavo * 125 // 100) if unit.equipped[4][0] == 33 else tavo #Feathered Cape x1.25 AVO return max(1,tavo) def calcCRI(unit): tcri = 1 + calcAGI(unit) // 3 tcri = (tcri * 110 // 100) if (unit.class1 == DBCID["MRK"] or unit.class2 == DBCID["MRK"]) and unit.flags & 0x100 else tcri #Bullseye x1.20 CRI tcri = (tcri * 133 // 100) if unit.class1 == 16 and not unit.flags & 0x100 else tcri #Monster Skill x1.33 CRI tcri = (tcri * 120 // 100) if unit.equipped[1][0] == 1 else tcri #Estoc x1.20 CRI tcri = (tcri * 110 // 100) if unit.equipped[1][0] == 4 else tcri #Stiletto x1.10 CRI tcri = (tcri * 110 // 100) if unit.equipped[1][0] == 5 else tcri #Rondel x1.10 CRI tcri = (tcri * 115 // 100) if unit.equipped[1][0] == 12 else tcri #Composite Bow x1.15 CRI return max(1,tcri) class Unit: def __init__(self, name, level, str_, agi, vit, int_, dex, luk, boon, flaw, disposition, class1, class2, flags, inventory, equipped): = name self.level = level self.str_ = str_ self.agi = agi self.vit = vit self.int_ = int_ self.dex = dex self.luk = luk self.boon = boon self.flaw = flaw self.disposition = disposition self.class1 = class1 self.class2 = class2 self.flags = flags self.inventory = inventory self.equipped = equipped self.chp = 1 = 0 self.exp = 0 self.itemsrecieved = [] self.kills = 0 def levelUp(self, lvlup): olvl = self.level ostr = self.str_ oagi = self.agi ovit = self.vit oint = self.int_ odex = self.dex self.level += lvlup for i in range(0, 3 * lvlup): if random.randint(1,100) <= calcGrowth(0, self.class1, self.class2, self.boon, self.flaw, self.disposition): self.str_ += 1 if random.randint(1,100) <= calcGrowth(1, self.class1, self.class2, self.boon, self.flaw, self.disposition): self.agi += 1 if random.randint(1,100) <= calcGrowth(2, self.class1, self.class2, self.boon, self.flaw, self.disposition): self.vit += 1 if random.randint(1,100) <= calcGrowth(3, self.class1, self.class2, self.boon, self.flaw, self.disposition): self.int_ += 1 if random.randint(1,100) <= calcGrowth(4, self.class1, self.class2, self.boon, self.flaw, self.disposition): self.dex += 1 lvup = "\n\n***LEVEL UP!***\n" lvup += "Level " + str(olvl) + "->" + str(self.level) + "\n" lvup += "STR " + str(ostr) + "->" + str(self.str_) + " +(" + str(self.str_ - ostr) + ")\n" lvup += "AGI " + str(oagi) + "->" + str(self.agi) + " +(" + str(self.agi - oagi) + ")\n" lvup += "VIT " + str(ovit) + "->" + str(self.vit) + " +(" + str(self.vit - ovit) + ")\n" lvup += "INT " + str(oint) + "->" + str(self.int_) + " +(" + str(self.int_ - oint) + ")\n" lvup += "DEX " + str(odex) + "->" + str(self.dex) + " +(" + str(self.dex - odex) + ")\n\n" return lvup def printStats(self): stats = "" stats += + "'S STAT SHEET\n" stats += "--------------\n" stats += "\n" stats += "LEVEL " + str(self.level) + " " + DBCLASSES[self.class1] + "\\" + DBCLASSES[self.class2] + "\n" stats += "EXP: " + str(self.exp) + "\n" stats += "GOLD: " + str( + "\n" stats += "\n" stats += "BEST TRAIT: " + DBBOONS[self.boon][5] + "\n" stats += "WORST TRAIT: " + DBFLAWS[self.flaw][5] + "\n" stats += "DISPOSITION: " + DBDISPOSITION[self.disposition][3] + "\n" stats += "\n" stats += "SKILLS\n" stats += DBSKILLS[self.class1] + "\n" stats += " " + DBSKDESC[self.class1] + "\n" stats += DBSKILLS[self.class2] + "\n" stats += " " + DBSKDESC[self.class2] + "\n" stats += "\n" stats += "STR: " + str(calcSTR(self)) + " + " + str(calcGrowth(0,self.class1,self.class2,self.boon,self.flaw,self.disposition)) + "%\n" stats += "AGI: " + str(calcAGI(self)) + " + " + str(calcGrowth(1,self.class1,self.class2,self.boon,self.flaw,self.disposition)) + "%\n" stats += "VIT: " + str(calcVIT(self)) + " + " + str(calcGrowth(2,self.class1,self.class2,self.boon,self.flaw,self.disposition)) + "%\n" stats += "INT: " + str(calcINT(self)) + " + " + str(calcGrowth(3,self.class1,self.class2,self.boon,self.flaw,self.disposition)) + "%\n" stats += "DEX: " + str(calcDEX(self)) + " + " + str(calcGrowth(4,self.class1,self.class2,self.boon,self.flaw,self.disposition)) + "%\n" stats += "LUK: " + str(DBDISPOSITION[self.disposition][0]) + "\n" stats += "\n" stats += "HP : " + str(calcHP(self)) + "\n" stats += "DEF: " + str(calcDEF(self)) + "\n" stats += "ATK: " + str(calcATK(self)) + "\n" stats += "MAG: " + str(calcMAG(self)) + "\n" stats += "HIT: " + str(calcHIT(self)) + "\n" stats += "AVO: " + str(calcAVO(self)) + "\n" stats += "CRI: " + str(calcCRI(self)) + "\n" stats += "\n" stats += "EQUIPPED\n" stats += "HEAD - " + formatItem(self.equipped[0]) + "\n" stats += "RHAND - " + formatItem(self.equipped[1]) + "\n" stats += "LHAND - " + formatItem(self.equipped[2]) + "\n" stats += "BODY - " + formatItem(self.equipped[3]) + "\n" stats += "ACC - " + formatItem(self.equipped[4]) + "\n" stats += "\n" stats += "INVENTORY\n" if len(self.inventory) > 0: for x in self.inventory: stats += DBITEM[x[0]][1] + "\n" else: stats += "--" return stats + "\n\n" def printStatsMob(self): stats = "\nLEVEL " + str(self.level) + " " + DBMOB[self.class1][6] stats += "\n\nSTR: " + str(calcSTR(self)) + " + " + str(calcGrowthMob(0,self.class1)) + "%" stats += "\nAGI: " + str(self.agi) + " + " + str(calcGrowthMob(1,self.class1)) + "%" stats += "\nVIT: " + str(self.vit) + " + " + str(calcGrowthMob(2,self.class1)) + "%" stats += "\nINT: " + str(self.int_) + " + " + str(calcGrowthMob(3,self.class1)) + "%" stats += "\nDEX: " + str(self.dex) + " + " + str(calcGrowthMob(4,self.class1)) + "%" return stats def simulateBattle(player,mob,f,v): player.chp = calcHP(player) mob.chp = calcHP(mob) turn = 1 taketurn = True v.write("\n\n*****ENCOUNTER!*****\n") v.write(mob.printStatsMob()) while player.chp > 0 and mob.chp > 0: v.write("\n\nTURN " + str(turn)) v.write("\nLv "+ str(player.level) + " " + + " " + str(player.chp) + " HP") v.write("\nLv "+ str(mob.level) + " " + + " " + str(mob.chp) + " HP\n") pdmg = calcDamage(player,mob,turn) if mob.class1 == 8 and checkProc(10,100+mob.dex): # Glare, player skips turn v.write("\n" + + " is paralyzed by Beholder's Glare this turn!") taketurn = False if taketurn and player.chp < calcHP(player) // 3: # Check if healing needed if len(player.inventory) > 0: consumable = player.inventory.pop() heal = min(calcHP(player) - player.chp, (calcHP(player) * DBITEM[consumable[0]][4] // 100)) player.chp += heal v.write("\n" + + " used the " + DBITEM[consumable[0]][1] + "! Restored " + str(heal) + " HP!") taketurn = False if DBITEM[consumable[0]][5] else True if taketurn: v.write("\n" + + " attacks!") if pdmg[1]: v.write("\n" + + "'s " + DBSKILLS[pdmg[1]] + " activated!") if pdmg[1] == DBCID["PAL"] and not (mob.class1 == 11 or mob.class1 == 12): # Piety heal = min(calcHP(player) - player.chp, calcMAG(player)) player.chp += heal v.write("\n" + + " healed for " + str(heal) + "!") if pdmg[3] & 0x2 and pdmg[0] > 0: v.write("\n" + "Critical strike!") if pdmg[0] > 0: v.write("\n" + str(pdmg[0]) + " damage!") mob.chp -= pdmg[0] elif pdmg[0] == -1: v.write("\nMissed!") elif pdmg[0] == -2: v.write("\nBlocked!") if player.chp <= 0 or mob.chp <= 0: break taketurn = True mdmg = calcDamage(mob,player,turn) v.write("\n" + + " attacks!") if mdmg[2] and not (mob.class1 == 11 or mob.class1 == 12): v.write("\n" + + "'s " + DBSKILLS[mdmg[2]] + " activated!") if mdmg[2] == DBCID["SAM"]: # Shirahadori counterattack cdmg = calcDamage(player,mob,-1) if cdmg[0] > 0: v.write("\n" + + " counterattacks! " + str(cdmg[0]) + " damage!") mob.chp -= cdmg[0] else: v.write("\nCounterattack missed!") if mdmg[2] == DBCID["SEE"]: # Seer counterattack cdmg = calcDamage(player,mob,-1) if cdmg[0] > 0: v.write("\n" + + " counterattacks! " + str(cdmg[0]) + " damage!") mob.chp -= cdmg[0] else: v.write("\nCounterattack missed!") if mdmg[3] & 0x2 and mdmg[0] > 0: v.write("\nCritical strike!") if mdmg[0] > 0: v.write("\n" + str(mdmg[0]) + " damage!") player.chp -= mdmg[0] if mob.class1 == 23: mob.chp += mdmg[0] // 4 v.write("\n" + + " siphons HP!") elif mdmg[0] == -1: v.write("\nMissed!") elif mdmg[0] == -2: v.write("\nBlocked!") if player.class1 == DBCID["VNM"] or player.class2 == DBCID["VNM"]: # Miasma, enemy loses 1/8 HP per turn if not (mob.class1 == 11 or mob.class1 == 12): mob.chp -= calcHP(mob) // 8 v.write("\n" + + " loses HP due to the miasma!") if mob.class1 == 22: # Decay, both units lose 1/20 HP / turn player.chp -= calcHP(player) // 20 mob.chp -= calcHP(mob) // 20 v.write("\n" + + " is decaying and losing HP!") v.write("\n" + + " is decaying and losing HP!") if player.chp <= 0 or mob.chp <= 0: break turn += 1 if player.chp <= 0: v.write("\n" + + " has fallen in battle...\n\n") f.write(endMessage(player,mob.class1)) return 0 if mob.chp <= 0: v.write("\n" + + " wins!\n\n") player.kills += 1 return 1 return 1 def endMessage(player, mobid): txt = "After much preparation, " if player.level < 10: txt += + " fearfully begins their journey into the Dark Depths.\n" elif player.level < 20: txt += + " reluctantly begins their journey into the Dark Depths.\n" elif player.level < 30: txt += + " proudly begins their journey into the Dark Depths.\n" elif player.level < 40: txt += + " heroically begins their journey into the Dark Depths.\n" elif player.level <= 50: txt += + " valiantly begins their journey into the Dark Depths.\n" else: txt += + " gloriously begins their journey into the Dark Depths.\n" txt += "Weapon in hand, " + + " slays " + str(player.kills) + " of the evil creatures in battle.\n" if player.level <= 50: txt += "Unfortunately, " + + " " + DBDEATH[mobid] + " and was never heard from again.\n\n" else: txt += "After defeating the nefarious Lich Lord, " + + " retired, and lived the rest of their life as a simple farmer in peace and quiet.\n\n" txt += "THE END\n\n" return txt def calcDamage(src,target,turn): """ DAMAGE FLAGS 0x1 Player Attack 0x2 Critical Strike 0x4 Pierces half of DEF 0x8 Ignores DEF 0x10 Ignores AVO 0x20 Physical Attack 0x40 Magical Attack 0x80 First Turn skill """ pdmg = [1,0,0,0x0] crit = True if random.randint(1,100) < calcCRI(src) else False magic = True if (DBITEM[src.equipped[1][0]][2] & 0x20 and src.flags & 0x100) or (src.flags & 0x2) else False player = True if src.flags & 0x100 else False # Calculate base attack damage before modifications pdmg[0] = calcATK(src) if not magic else calcMAG(src) # Set damage flags pdmg[3] = pdmg[3] | 0x1 if player else pdmg[3] pdmg[3] = pdmg[3] | 0x2 if crit else pdmg[3] pdmg[3] = pdmg[3] | 0x40 if magic else pdmg[3] | 0x20 pdmg[3] = pdmg[3] | 0x80 if turn == 1 else pdmg[3] pdmg[3] = pdmg[3] | 0x4 if src.equipped[1][0] == 10 else pdmg[3] # Warhammer pierces 50% DEF if pdmg[3] & 0x1 and (target.class1 == 15 or target.class1 == 23): pdmg[0] = calcATK(src) // 2 if not magic else calcMAG(src) // 2 # Spellbound halves ATK/MAG # Handle active skill modifications if pdmg[3] & 0x1 and (target.class1 == 11 or target.class1 == 12): # Ghast/Revenant prevents actives pdmg = pdmg else: pdmg = checkACT(src,pdmg) # Check if blocked if target.equipped[2][0] == 26: # Tower Shield, 25% Phys block if pdmg[3] & 0x20 and random.randint(1,100) <= 40: return [-2,0,0,0x0] if target.equipped[2][0] == 27: # Rune Buckler, 15% Phys 15% Arcane block if pdmg[3] & 0x20 and random.randint(1,100) <= 25: return [-2,0,0,0x0] if pdmg[3] & 0x40 and random.randint(1,100) <= 25: return [-2,0,0,0x0] if target.equipped[2][0] == 28: # Forcefield, INT/4% Phys INT/3% Arcane block if pdmg[3] & 0x20 and random.randint(1,100) <= target.int_ // 4: return [-2,0,0,0x0] if pdmg[3] & 0x40 and random.randint(1,100) <= target.int_ // 3: return [-2,0,0,0x0] if not pdmg[3] & 0x1 and (target.class1 == DBCID["PLT"] or target.class2 == DBCID["PLT"]): # Peltast gets a second chance to block if target.equipped[2][0] == 26: if pdmg[3] & 0x20 and random.randint(1,100) <= 40: return [-2,0,0,0x0] if target.equipped[2][0] == 27: if pdmg[3] & 0x20 and random.randint(1,100) <= 25: return [-2,0,0,0x0] if pdmg[3] & 0x40 and random.randint(1,100) <= 25: return [-2,0,0,0x0] if target.equipped[2][0] == 28: if pdmg[3] & 0x20 and random.randint(1,100) <= target.int_ // 4: return [-2,0,0,0x0] if pdmg[3] & 0x40 and random.randint(1,100) <= target.int_ // 3: return [-2,0,0,0x0] if pdmg[3] & 0x1 and pdmg[1] == DBCID["FEN"]: # Heartseeker, recalculate crit with x1.33 bonus pdmg[3] = pdmg[3] & ~0x2 if random.randint(1,100) < (calcCRI(src) * 133 // 100): pdmg[3] = pdmg[3] | 0x2 if checkHit(src,target,pdmg): if not magic: # Physical Attacks tdef = calcDEF(target) if pdmg[3] & 0x4: tdef = tdef // 2 if pdmg[3] & 0x8: tdef = 0 pdmg[0] = max(1,pdmg[0] - tdef) if not pdmg[3] & 0x2 else max(1,(pdmg[0] - tdef) * 2) if pdmg[3] & 0x1 and target.class1 == 9: pdmg[0] * 80 // 100 # Runed Golem takes x0.8 from physical attacks if pdmg[3] & 0x1 and target.class1 == 10: pdmg[0] * 125 // 100 # Clay Golem takes x1.25 from physical attacks if not pdmg[3] & 0x1 and (target.class1 == DBCID["SAM"] or target.class2 == DBCID["SAM"]): # Shirahadori mod = 100 + target.dex mod = mod * 120 // 100 if target.equipped[1][0] == 13 else mod # Arcane Tome, x1.2 proc chance if checkProc(15,mod) and not (src.class1 == 11 or src.class1 == 12): return [-3,0,DBCID["SAM"],0x0] else: # Arcane Attacks pdmg[0] = max(1, pdmg[0]) if not pdmg[3] & 0x2 else max(1,2 * pdmg[0]) if pdmg[3] & 0x1 and target.class1 == 9: pdmg[0] * 125 // 100 # Runed Golem takes x1.25 from arcane attacks if pdmg[3] & 0x1 and target.class1 == 10: pdmg[0] * 80 // 100 # Clay Golem takes x0.8 from arcane attacks if not pdmg[3] & 0x1 and (target.class1 == DBCID["DRG"] or target.class2 == DBCID["DRG"]): # Fireproof, -50% Arcane DMG taken if checkProc(30,100+target.dex): pdmg[0] = max(1,pdmg[0] * 50 // 100) pdmg[2] = DBCID["DRG"] if not pdmg[3] & 0x1 and target.equipped[4][0] == 29: # Rosary, x0.80 Arcane damage taken pdmg[0] = pdmg[0] * 80 // 100 else: if not pdmg[3] & 0x1 and (target.class1 == DBCID["SEE"] or target.class2 == DBCID["SEE"]): if not (target.class1 == 11 or target.class1 == 12): return[-1,0,DBCID["SEE"],0x0] return [-1,0,0,0x0] # Misc damage modifiers if not pdmg[3] & 0x1 and src.class1 == 20: # Toxic Bite, 10% Target's Max HP as bonus damage pdmg[0] = pdmg[0] + (calcHP(target) // 10) if not pdmg[3] & 0x1 and target.equipped[1][0] == 7: # Naginata, x0.85 damage taken pdmg[0] = pdmg[0] * 85 // 100 if pdmg[3] & 0x1 and src.equipped[4][0] == 30: # Cursed Locket, x1.2 damage dealt pdmg[0] = pdmg[0] * 120 // 100 if not pdmg[3] & 0x1 and target.equipped[4][0] == 30: # Cursed Locket, x1.2 damage taken pdmg[0] = pdmg[0] * 120 // 100 if not pdmg[3] & 0x1 and (target.class1 == DBCID["KNT"] or target.class2 == DBCID["KNT"]): # Valor, -10% DMG taken pdmg[0] = max(1,pdmg[0] * 90 // 100) #pdmg[2] = DBCID["KNT"] if pdmg[3] & 0x1 and src.equipped[1][0] == 3: # Hallowed Sabre, x1.20 damage vs undead if target.flags & 0x1: pdmg[0] = pdmg[0] * 120 // 100 if pdmg[3] & 0x1 and src.equipped[1][0] == 9: # Sabbath, x1.66 damage vs undead if target.flags & 0x1: pdmg[0] = pdmg[0] * 166 // 100 if pdmg[3] & 0x1 and turn > 0 and (src.class1 == DBCID["TAC"] or src.class2 == DBCID["TAC"]): # Superior Tactics, +15% damage per turn if not (target.class1 == 11 or target.class1 == 12): pdmg[0] = pdmg[0] * (100 + 15*turn) // 100 if pdmg[3] & 0x1 and (src.class1 == DBCID["DVT"] or src.class2 == DBCID["DVT"]): # Righteous Fury, x1.35 damage vs undead if target.flags & 0x1: pdmg[0] = pdmg[0] * 135 // 100 if pdmg[3] & 0x1 and (src.class1 == DBCID["ASN"] or src.class2 == DBCID["ASN"]): # Mercy Stroke, deals x2 damage if lethal if not (target.class1 == 11 or target.class1 == 12): if pdmg[0] * 2 >= target.chp: pdmg[0] = pdmg[0] * 2 pdmg[1] = DBCID["ASN"] pdmg[0] = max(1,pdmg[0]) # Damage minimum capped at 1 return pdmg def checkACT(src,dmg): mod = 100 + src.dex mod = mod * 120 // 100 if src.equipped[1][0] == 13 else mod # Arcane Tome, x1.2 proc chance if dmg[3] & 0x1: # Player Skills # Check First Turn skills first if dmg[3] & 0x80: # Lunge if src.class1 == DBCID["CAV"] or src.class2 == DBCID["CAV"]: return [int(dmg[0] * 1.5), DBCID["CAV"], dmg[2], dmg[3] | 0x10] # Backstab if src.class1 == DBCID["STK"] or src.class2 == DBCID["STK"]: return [dmg[0], DBCID["STK"], dmg[2], dmg[3] | 0x2] # Regular Actives # Power Swing if src.class1 == DBCID["BRS"] or src.class2 == DBCID["BRS"]: if checkProc(20,mod): return [int(calcATK(src) * 1.5), DBCID["BRS"], dmg[2], (dmg[3] | 0x20) & ~0x40] # Heartseeker if src.class1 == DBCID["FEN"] or src.class2 == DBCID["FEN"]: if checkProc(20,mod): return [dmg[0], DBCID["FEN"], dmg[2], dmg[3] | 0x8] # Piety if src.class1 == DBCID["PAL"] or src.class2 == DBCID["PAL"]: if checkProc(10,mod): return [dmg[0], DBCID["PAL"], dmg[2], dmg[3]] # Hallowed Strike if src.class1 == DBCID["TMP"] or src.class2 == DBCID["TMP"]: if checkProc(15,mod): return [calcATK(src) + calcMAG(src) + src.level, DBCID["TMP"], dmg[2], (dmg[3] | 0x20) & ~0x40] # Resolute Strike if src.class1 == DBCID["BRV"] or src.class2 == DBCID["BRV"]: if checkProc(25,mod): return [int(calcATK(src) * 1.2), DBCID["BRV"], dmg[2], (dmg[3] | 0x30) & ~0x40] # Arcane Bolt if src.class1 == DBCID["SRC"] or src.class2 == DBCID["SRC"]: if checkProc(20,mod): return [int(calcMAG(src) * 1.75), DBCID["SRC"], dmg[2], (dmg[3] | 0x40) & ~0x20] # Mug if src.class1 == DBCID["ROG"] or src.class2 == DBCID["ROG"]: if checkProc(20,mod): += random.randint(15,45) return [int(dmg[0] * 1.2), DBCID["ROG"], dmg[2], dmg[3]] if not dmg[3] & 0x1: #Mob Skills # Bonecrusher - pierces 50% DEF, can't crit if src.class1 == 19: return [dmg[0], 19, dmg[2], (dmg[3] | 0x4) & ~0x2] # Peer Through Time - Ignore AVO, always critical if src.class1 == 21: if checkProc(5,mod): return [dmg[0], 21, dmg[2], dmg[3] | 0x12] # Foul Flames - ATK based Arcane attack if src.class1 == 22: if checkProc(10,mod): return [dmg[0], 22, dmg[2], (dmg[3] | 0x40) & ~0x20] return dmg def checkProc(base,rate): return random.randint(1,100) < (base * rate // 100) def checkHit(src,target, dmg): hit = calcHIT(src) avo = calcAVO(target) #avo = avo + 35 if dmg[3] & 20 and (target.class1 == DBCID["PLT"] or target.class2 == DBCID["PLT"]) else avo if src.class1 == DBCID["SNP"] or src.class2 == DBCID["SNP"]: return 1 return 1 if dmg[3] & 0x10 else random.randint(1,100) <= max(10, 90 + hit - avo) def getReward(src): txt = "" if src.exp > 100: src.exp = 0 txt += src.levelUp(1) prize = random.randint(7,13) if not (src.class1 == DBCID["ADV"] or src.class2 == DBCID["ADV"]) else random.randint(14,26) txt += "\nRecieved " + str(prize) + " gold!" += prize if src.level % 10 == 0: src.exp += 999 else: src.exp += random.randint(5,15) itemcheck = random.randint(1,100) < (33 * (100+DBDISPOSITION[src.disposition][0]) // 100) if not (src.class1 == DBCID["ADV"] or src.class2 == DBCID["ADV"]) else random.randint(1,100) < (45 * (100+DBDISPOSITION[src.disposition][0]) // 100) if itemcheck: item = [random.randint(1,36),max(1,src.level - 3 + random.randint(1,6)),0] if not DBITEM[item[0]][2] & DBLIKES[src.class1]: # Not on Likes list, reroll item = [random.randint(1,36),max(1,src.level - 3 + random.randint(1,6)),0] if not DBITEM[item[0]][2] & DBLIKES[src.class1]: # Still not on Likes list, reroll item = [random.randint(1,36),max(1,src.level - 3 + random.randint(1,6)),0] if DBITEM[item[0]][2] & DBDISLIKES[src.class1]: # Item on Dislikes list, reroll item = [random.randint(1,36),max(1,src.level - 3 + random.randint(1,6)),0] if DBITEM[item[0]][2] & DBDISLIKES[src.class1]: # Still on Dislikes list, reroll item = [random.randint(1,36),max(1,src.level - 3 + random.randint(1,6)),0] if DBITEM[item[0]][2] & 0x2: if len(src.inventory) < 3: txt += "\nReceived " + DBITEM[item[0]][1] + "!\n" src.inventory.append(item) src.itemsrecieved.append(item) else: if (src.class1 == DBCID["BLK"] or src.class2 == DBCID["BLK"]) and (DBITEM[item[0]][2] & 0x1): item[2] = random.randint(1,25) src.equipped[getEquipLoc(DBITEM[item[0]][3])] = item txt += "\nReceived " + formatItem(item) + "!\n" src.itemsrecieved.append(item) return txt def getEquipLoc(flag): return { 0x1 : 0, 0x2 : 1, 0x4 : 2, 0x8 : 3, 0x10: 4 }[flag] def formatItem(item): txt = DBITEM[item[0]][1] if item[2]: txt = "+" + str(item[2]) + " " + txt txt = "Lv." + str(item[1]) + " " + txt if item[0] == 0: txt = "--" return txt def visitTown(player): txt = "\n\n" + + " goes to town" txt += "\nEntering Item Shop" while len(player.inventory) < 3: if >= 1000: player.inventory.append([36,1,0]) -= 1000 txt += "\nBought Elixir" elif >= 500: player.inventory.append([35,1,0]) -= 500 txt += "\nBought Bandages" elif >= 100: player.inventory.append([34,1,0]) -= 100 txt += "\nBought Salve" else: break txt += "\nLeft Item Shop" txt += "\n\nEntered Smithy" while >= 100: while player.equipped[1][2] < 10 and >= 100: player.equipped[1][2] += 1 txt += "\n" + DBITEM[player.equipped[1][0]][1] + " upgraded to +" + str(player.equipped[1][2]) while player.equipped[3][2] < 10 and >= 100: player.equipped[3][2] += 1 txt += "\n" + DBITEM[player.equipped[3][0]][1] + " upgraded to +" + str(player.equipped[3][2]) if >= 100 and player.equipped[1][2] >= 10 and player.equipped[3][2] >= 10: break txt += "\nLeft Smithy" txt += "\nReturning to dungeon...\n\n" return txt def fullSimulation(name,seed): player = generatePlayer(name,seed) fname = str(seed) + name + "-simple.txt" vname = str(seed) + name + "-verbose.txt" f = open('../quickrpg/logs/' + fname,'w') v = open('../quickrpg/logs/' + vname,'w') txt = "The story begins with " + + " the " + DBBOONS[player.boon][5] + " " + DBCLASSES[player.class1] + ".\n" txt += "To avenge their parents, they vow to delve into the Dark Depths and slay the most evil and most powerful creature within; the Lich Lord.\n" f.write(txt) v.write(player.printStats()) while True: mob = generateMob(player.level) if simulateBattle(player,mob,f,v) and player.level < 51: v.write(getReward(player)) if random.randint(1,1000) < 5 or player.level % 10 == 0: # Random or right before a boss fight v.write(visitTown(player)) else: if player.level == 51: f.write(endMessage(player,0)) break break f.write(player.printStats()) v.write(player.printStats()) f.close() v.close() return fname if len(sys.argv[1]) > 1: fullSimulation(sys.argv[1],int(time.time())) print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))